Theme & Logo

Κορίτσι (Koritsi)

Όνειρο (Oniro)

Ήλιος (Ilios)

Κυκλάμινο (Kiklamino)
















زهرة السيكلامين

Dream, Act, Lead:

The Future is Ours

Girls and young women were in the epicentre of our attention when deciding the theme of our 38th World Conference. Their right to a bright future is the primary goal of our Guiding Movement, as defined by our vision for the next decade in Compass 2032. They can dream of the future; and the World Guiding Movement, through its Member Organizations, offers them the values and the experience they need to act, grow, thrive, and lead the effort for a better tomorrow; for their own lives, but also for the whole planet.

Our parallel commitment to sustainability was combined in the logo we chose for our World Conference.

It firstly incorporates light, symbolising the sun rising for our common future, as it shines in Cyprus an average of 2,700 to 3,500 hours per year, making our island literally the brightest country in Europe. And secondly our ethnic flower, the Cyprus Cyclamen (Cyclamen Cyprium) native to woodland at 300 to 1,200 metres elevation in the mountains.

Endemic to the island, first identified by the Austrian botanist Karl Georg Theodor Kotschy in 1862, this perennial, with its heart-shaped leaves, thrives also in the coastal cliffs, often finding an anchor in the crevices of rocks. To us symbolising how the beauty of nature is never weak, even if it looks so, but it can find and give life anywhere, even on a rock.

Cyclamen = from the Greek word Κύκλος = Circle also symbolising the circle of never-ending life, and the never-ending bond we Guides share, as we meet seeking to live happy days together.

Our logo is based on a painting created by 9-year-old Danae Constantinidou, the winner of a competition we organised for this purpose among our young Members.