OPENING CEREMONY, Wednesday 26 July 2023, 19.00 Kourion Amphitheatre

As the date approaches, we are even more excited to be welcoming to Cyprus Friends in Guiding and Scouting from all over the world. We will all be feeling this excitement during the Opening Ceremony, where we will have the opportunity to experience the powerful symbolism of the Flag Ceremony while watching all national flags of WAGGGS’ MOs marching in one of the most important historical and cultural monuments of Cyprus, the Kourion Ancient Amphitheatre, by the seaside near Limassol. Welcoming speeches will be given by the Chief Commissioner of Girl Guides Association of Cyprus, Maria Kodjamani, and the Chair of the World Board of WAGGGS, Heidi Jokinen. His Excellency the President of the Republic of Cyprus, Dr. Nikos Christodoulides, will address the audience. Delegates and guests will also have the chance to enjoy a choreodrama that brings to life the rich heritage and history of Cyprus and the inspiring journey of Guiding in Cyprus. Finally, the Official Song of the 38th WAGGGS World Conference will be presented by a Girl Guides choir!

Tip: Make sure you read the story of the choreodrama and the lyrics of the Song on the program you will be given.

We are waiting for you to experience an unforgettable evening, along with a unique view of the sunset!

Livestream of Opening Ceremony 

Do tell your Member Organisations back home to join in as we give you live coverage of the Opening Ceremony in Kourion Ancient Amphiteatre on the Cyprus Facebook Page and Campfire. This service is offered by ANTENNA TV Cyprus.

Flag bearers instructions here:

Find the programme here: